PhD Summer School

This is a joint project between the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society and FES Future of Work.

The school is organised once a year for a duration of a maximum of four working days.  The number of places limited to a maximum of 16 PhD students currently registered at PhD programmes in Social Science/Related Disciplines. Participants are selected following a peer-review process and on the basis of scientific excellence of their proposed abstract. A fair balance between different regions within the EU and beyond, as well as topics is maintained.

PhD Summer School 2024: Gender, AI and Inclusive Work

The third PhD Summer School took place in September 2024 in Berlin. The school has explored upcoming research questions related to gender inequalities and new technologies/new forms of work.

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PhD Summer School 2023: AI and the Transformation of Work

The second PhD Summer School took place in September 2023 in Berlin. The school explored upcoming research questions related to AI and transformation of work.

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PhD Summer School 2022: Trajectories of Platform Capitalism and Platform Work

The first PhD Summer School took place in September 2022 in Berlin. The school has explored upcoming research questions related to the platform economy and platform work.

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