PhD Summer School 2023: AI and the Transformation of Work:

Employment, Skills and Job Quality

In 2023, the PhD Summer School took place between the 11th of September and 14th of September in Berlin, Germany. 

The School aims to explore upcoming research questions related to the emerging impacts
of artificial intelligence on workers.

The Summer School focuses on a range of topics, including
- Algorithmic management,
- Changes in management strategies,
- Discrimination at the workplace,
- Involvement of trade unions in regulating the use of AI,
- Changes in work organisation.

The school was supported by four academic mentors


Prof. Dr. Martin Krzywdzinski is Professor of International Labour Relations at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg, Director at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society and Head of the research group "Globalization, Work and Production" at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center.

Dr. Nuno Boavida is Researcher working in the intersection of technology and labour at CICS.NOVA, Lisbon. His main research interests are related to the interdisciplinary fields of Science and Technology Studies and Labour studies. He is now working on topics such as Artificial  Intelligence, Telework, Algorithm Management, Migrations, Work and Employment.

Dr. Miriam Rosa is Researcher and Professor at Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon (CIS). She is a social and organisational psychologist, conducting research and training on relations between social groups of asymmetric status, and processes of social influence.

Dr. Florian Butollo is Research Fellow the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. He was Senior Advisor at the Enquete Commission ‘Artificial Intelligence – Social Responsibility and Economic Potential’ of the German Parliament (2018 – 2020).


The Summer School has gathered 16 PhD Students

Marion Beauvalet, the University of Paris-Dauphine, France

Srravya Chandhiramowuli, City University, London, UK

Joel Christoph, European University Institute, Italy

Athina Fatsea, Ionian University, Greece

Michael Francis, the University of Manchester, UK

Sander Junte, the University of Barcelona, Spain

Adarsh Kumar, the University of Jena, Germany

Isabell Lippert, the University of Dresden, Germany

Naira López, TU Dublin, Ireland

Justine Marienfeldt, the University of Potsdam, Germany

Mario Ottaiano, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Germany

Lea Schneidemesser, the University of Erfurt, Germany

Daniel Schneiß, the Weizenbaum Institute, Germany

Tiago Vieira, European University Institute, Italy

Mareike Winkler, Oldenburg University, Germany

Assia Wirth, Université Paris-Saclay, France

AI and the transformation of work

AI and the transformation of work

Employment, skills and job quality ; PhD summer school 2023
Brussels, 2023

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Contact Persons

Dr. Inga Sabanova
Policy Officer


Future of Work

Cours Saint Michel 30a
1040 Brussels


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Impressions of the PhD Summer School