Our Publications

The Competence Centre provides easy-to-read materials of scientific and technological topics related to future of work and digital transformation at the European level. Our latest publications are available here.

Improving workplace data protection

Nogarede, Justin; Silberman, Michael; Bronowicka, Joanna

Improving workplace data protection

Achieving workplace GDPR compliance, clarifying national workplace data protection rules, and enhancing worker data protection through social dialogue
Brussels, 2024

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Bargaining over workersʿ data rights

Abraha, Halefom

Bargaining over workersʿ data rights

How unions and works councils can use collective bargaining to specify workplace data protection norms
Brussels, 2024

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Care platforms

Murphy, Caroline; Pais, Ivana; Gibbons, Tish

Care platforms

Impacts and challenges from a trade union perspective
Brussels, 2024

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Care platforms

Murphy, Caroline; Pais, Ivana; Gibbons, Tish

Care platforms

Impacts and challenges from a trade union perspective ; overview report
Brussels, 2024

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Murphy, Caroline; Pais, Ivana; Gibbons, Tish


Auswirkungen und Herausforderungen aus der Gewerkschaftsperspektive ; Übersicht
Brussels, 2024

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A collective work agenda for the digital economy

Nguyen, Aiha

A collective work agenda for the digital economy

How do we get there?
Brussels, 2024

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KI und algorithmisches Management im europäischen Dienstleistungssektor

Rolf, Steven

KI und algorithmisches Management im europäischen Dienstleistungssektor

Verbreitung, Funktionen und ein Leitfaden für Verhandlungen
Brussels, 2024

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AI and algorithmic management in European services sectors

Rolf, Steven

AI and algorithmic management in European services sectors

Prevalence, functions, and a guide for negotiators
Brussels, 2024

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Collective bargaining practices on AI and algorithmic management in European services sectors

Collective bargaining practices on AI and algorithmic management in European services sectors

Brussels, 2024

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Tarifverhandlungen zu KI und algorithmischem Management im europäischen Dienstleistungssektor

Tarifverhandlungen zu KI und algorithmischem Management im europäischen Dienstleistungssektor

Brussels, 2024

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Future of Work

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