
Tech-Talk on AI and the European Labour Market

The second Tech-Talk of the FES Competence Centre on the Future of Work took place on 7 December 2021 and was dedicated to "AI and the European Labour Market".

The new initiative 'Tech-Talk' by the FES Competence Centre on the Future of Work aims to explain current, often complex, topics relating to digitalisation and the Future of Work. The secomd episode is on AI and the European Labour Market. The second edition on 7 December 2021 was dedicated to "AI and the European Labour Market: Where does this leave diverse and inclusive labour markets?”

We are in the midst of the digital transformation, which also has repercussions for the labour market. Digitalisation plays a profound role when it comes to job-seeking. Algorithms play a key role in this process. These use data that is consciously as well as unconsciously produced by people to match them with available positions, or to classify a job-seeker as suitable or unsuitable for a job. Are certain workers systematically discriminated against? And what should be done to guarantee that workers’ rights are respected in the digital age?

In our Tech-Talk we aimed – together with Christina J. Colclough (The Why Not Lab) and Jan P. Brauburger (IndustriALL) – to shed light on what needs to be done at the European level to offer more transparency for, and improve the rights of, job-seekers. The discussion was moderated by Aida Ponce del Castillo (ETUI).

The agenda is available here.

Tech-Talk on AI and EU labour market, 7 December 2021

Data privacy notice for the video

FES Future of Work

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+32 2 329 30 32


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