
Tech-Talk on the Digital Service Act

The first Tech-Talk of the FES Competence Centre on the Future of Work took place on 11 October 2021. This event was on the Digital Service Act.

The new initiative 'Tech-Talk' by the FES Competence Centre on the Future of Work aims to explain current, often complex, topics relating to digitalisation and the Future of Work. The first episode was on the Digital Service Act.

The Digital Services Act (DSA) constitutes the biggest legislative reform in the history of the EU digital economy. In order for Europe to be ready for the digital age, the European Commission is proposing a disruptive attempt to regulate tech giants like Google, Facebook or Amazon by imposing obligations on digital service providers, with the focus being on four principles: transparency, empowering users, risk management and industry cooperation. The DSA lays down EU-wide obligations and is to apply to all digital services that connect consumers to goods, services or content.

Together with  our Experts -Athina Angeliki Tsitsou, (European Commission), Tiemo Wölken (MEP) and Aída Ponce del Castillo (ETUI) - we shed light on what the DSA is exactly and how it will affect the EU digital economy in the future. Please find the agenda of the event here.

The next Tech-Talk will take place end of November. Sign-uphere  to receive information about the next Tech-Talk and other activites of the FES Competence Centre on the Future of Work.

Please find below first episode of our Tech-Talk on 11 October 2021 in full lenght. Have fun watching!

Tech-Talk on the Digital Service Act, 11 October 2021

Data privacy notice for the video

FES Future of Work

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+32 2 329 30 32


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