Schaffarei Conference 2024 - Call for Participation

Interested participants can apply via a registration form until 15 September 2024

For the fourth time in a row, the Schaffarei Conference on “Technology Assessment from an Employee Representation Perspective” will take place on November 21st and 22nd, 2024, in Vorarlberg, Austria. FES Future of Work is proud to co-organise this event with the Schaffarei from the Arbeiterkammer Voralberg the ÖGB Competence Center “Work and Technology” and the Vienna Chamber of Labour – ““ department.

What is it about?

The conference welcomes labour representatives, experts, and academics who work on the intersection of digitalisation and work. Participants are invited to present project reports from the practice of the workers‘ movement / employee representation and research results from academia, and/or to participate in workshops. We are especially keen on assessing the impacts of digital technology from an employee representation perspective and stimulating a lively discussion with chambers of labour and trade unions.

The aim of the Schaffarei Conference and research is to derive concrete recommendations for action for social partners, business and politics, based on the current state of scientific knowledge, in order to better shape the rapid technological progress in the workplace.

For more information, please contact  Justin Nogarede.

Call for participation – deadline 15 September

Interested participants can either apply for a presentation on the first day, participation in a workshop on the second day or for both days via a registration form.

For more information, please visit this link, which brings you to the website of the Schaffarei Conference (all information in English and German).

FES Future of Work

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels

+32 2 329 30 32


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