
Schaffarei Conference 2023: Technology assessment from a workers´ perspective

A joint project of FES Future of Work and Arbeiterkammer Vorarlberg (Vorarlberg Chamber of Labour).

On 23-24 November, FES Future of Work collaborated with the Arbeiterkammer Vorarlberg to organise the 3rd annual conference on Technology assessment from a workers´ perspective. The event brought together practitioners, academics, and labor representatives to discuss various issues under the theme of 'Digitalisation and Work.' Topics ranged from how to involve workers in the deployment of new algorithmic management systems to the effective regulation of platform work.

The conference, which took place in Feldkirch, Austria, commenced with a keynote speech by Fabian Stephany titled 'Superpower Skills – The Role of Skills in Times of Technological Change.' Fabian Stephany is assistant Professor in AI & Work at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), University of Oxford, a Research Affiliate at the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society in Berlin and a Fellow at the Brussels-based Think Tank Bruegel. Following the keynote, several parallel workshops on AI and workers were conducted.

For more information, please contact  Justin Nogarede.

FES Future of Work

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels

+32 2 329 30 32


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