Workers' Rights in the Digital Age

The use of digital technologies is transforming the world of work. In theory the shift to digital can increase the quality of jobs and raise productivity and wealth. But in practice, we observe that digital infrastructures are facilitating expanding surveillance and control of segments of the workforce, and that the (limited) productivity gains of technology are no longer equally shared with labour. FES Future of Work supports projects to redress the balance, for instance by supporting collective bargaining over AI, as well as by devising strategies to help secure worker rights over data.

Our Activites

12.03.2024 | Publication, AI, Algorithms, & Data
Several dozen food delivery people from the Colombian platform "Rappi" stage a demonstration demanding better working conditions and social guarantees, as well as fairer rates in Bogota, Colombia on March 02, 2022

In Latin America algorithms are increasingly influencing the workplace. What debates are arising in the region? How are parliaments and trade union…


11.11.2023 | Event, AI, Algorithms, & Data

European and progressive approach to digital transformation.


11.11.2023 | Event, AI, Algorithms, & Data

A joint project of FES Future of Work and Arbeiterkammer Vorarlberg (Vorarlberg Chamber of Labour).


Connnect with us

Future of Work

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels

+32 2 329 30 32

