AI: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities

Public Awareness Events

This is a joint project between FES FoW,  FES Country Offices and Aldo Montesano, director of the Working Progress Documentary . The project explores different aspects of AI in a form of panel discussions, film screening and expert lectures.   

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has immense potential to revolutionise various aspects of our lives.

AI has the ability to process and analyse vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently, enabling it to uncover valuable insights, improve decision-making processes, and automate repetitive tasks. This technology has already made significant strides in various fields, including healthcare, finance, transportation, education, and entertainment.

Despite its numerous benefits, AI also presents challenges and ethical considerations. Issues such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and job displacement require careful attention to ensure that AI is developed and deployed responsibly.

Given the fast development of new technologies, in recent years AI regulation has become a central policy question in the European Union (EU). The AI Act was proposed by European lawmakers in April 2021 mainly for two reasons: to synchronize the rules for regulating AI technology across EU member states and to provide a clearer definition of what AI actually is.

 The proposed EU legal framework focuses on the specific utilisation of AI systems and associated risks. While the legislation has been passed by the European Parliament on the 14 June 2023, EU lawmakers are now starting negotiations to finalise the new legislation, with substantial amendments to the Commission's proposal including revising the definition of AI systems, broadening the list of prohibited AI systems, and imposing obligations on general purpose AI and generative AI models such as ChatGPT.

AI and Educational System in Hungary

This is a joint project with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest.  => More Info

AI and Labour Market in Portugal

Contact Persons

Dr. Inga Sabanova
Policy Officer


Future of Work

Cours Saint Michel 30a
1040 Brussels


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