European Charlemagne Labour Forum

European Charlemagne Labour Forum

Against the background of the digital and socio-ecological transformation, the European Charlemagne Labour Forum aims to discuss the guiding question, How can Europe become a project of working people? The annual forum is a joint project of the Charlemagne Prize Society  and the Competence Centre on the Future of Work. The aim of the forum is to bring together labour policy actors across Europe, in order to jointly develop ideas and concepts for shaping the world of work in Europe.

The discussions at the European Charlemagne Labour Forum are intended to give political impulses and to stimulate and influence the discourse on labour and social policy at European and national level. In this context, a European awareness of the needs and challenges of workers in Europe should be raised.

European Charlemagne Labour Forum 2022

The first European Charlemagne Labour Forum took place in November 2022 in Aachen/Germany. The conference aims to bring forward ideas and concepts for shaping the world of work in Europe.

More information

European Charlemagne Labour Forum 2024

More information coming soon

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Future of Work

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels

+32 2 329 30 32



Contact Person

Oliver Philipp

Policy Officer
