
New technologies at the workplace – what needs to be considered (video)

In this short video, we addresse the phenomenon of the emerging introduction of new technologies at the workplace from a workers’ perspective.

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In this short video, we addresse the phenomenon of the emerging introduction of new technologies at the workplace and what needs to be considered from a workers’ perspective.

AI and algorithmic management tools promise to boost productivity, speed up decision-making and cut unnecessary costs. New software packages are increasingly being used at the workplace for a range of functions across the fields of recruitment, training, scheduling and performance management. However, these tools can have highly negative consequences for workers. These can include surveilling workers and accessing their personal data without clear permission, putting unnecessary pressure on workers to perform tasks faster, taking decisions about how workers are paid and, whether they are hired or fired without adequate human involvement.

Trade unions can play a key role in ensuring that new management tools are deployed in a robust and safe manner without compromising on the quality of work. To do so, trade unions should be involved in every stage of the new technologies’ rollout. Find out about these stages of implementation in the video.

FES Future of Work

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1040 Brussels

+32 2 329 30 32


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