
New UNI Global-FES-Verdi Survey on Workers in the Video Game Industry

New survey of video game workers across 29 countries by UNI Global, supported by FES Future of Work and Verdi, is now available.

A new survey of video game workers across 29 countries by UNI Global Union, with the support of FES Future of Work and Verdi, confirms that low pay (66%), excessive work hours (43%), inadequate benefits (43%), and workplace discrimination and/or sexual harassment (35%), among other work-related issues, are the driving forces behind employee dissatisfaction and their desire to form a union in the workplace. 

Furthermore, according to the report, the vast majority of respondents (79%) expressed support or strong support for unionizing their workplace.   

Download full report : here

Furter Information https://uniglobalunion.org/news/video-game-workers-crushed/

FES Future of Work

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