
Empowering Young Workers in CEE & SEE Countries Through Digital Organising

EFFAT and the FES Competence Centre on the Future of Work are pleased to invite to our online training on 29 & 30 September 2021.

Young workers and trade union activists from Central and South Eastern European countries are invited to the online training “Empowering Young Workers through Digital Organising” by the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism and Trade Unions (EFFAT) and the and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Competence Centre on the Future of Work. The event is taking place on 29 & 30 September 2021 from 14:00 – 19:00 CET.

The constant development of digital technologies has had repercussions on the organization of work and has impacted employment relations. This phenomenon, amplified by the pandemic, has highlighted how important the role of trade unions is in protecting workers, ensuring good working conditions and the right to earn a decent wage.

To counter the decline in membership, especially among young people, it is critical that trade unions develop new and creative strategies to inform, recruit and organize young workers who often face precarious working conditions and low wages.

EFFAT and FES will therefore organise a two-day online training course for young workers and trade unionists from CEE and SEE to give them the opportunity to:

  • Assessing the challenges trade unions and young people are facing today in the EFFAT sectors
  • Receive the necessary tools to develop new digital strategies to attract and recruit young workers
  • Exchange good practices in organizing and recruiting
  • Strengthen and build youth networks in SEE and CEE
  • Promote the involvement of young workers in trade union work, also at international level
  • Explore new ways to organize workers in new sectors, specifically those in non-standard forms of employment and on digital platforms
  • Understand the role of EFAT and the functioning of the European institutions and how EU initiatives can help achieve the above mentioned objectives

Interpretation from English will be available into several of languages depending on participation and demand.

We accept registration from all of our affiliates in the CEE & SEE regions.

Please register here before 13 September 2021.

The zoom link and the agenda will be sent in due time.

Furter information is available here.

FES Future of Work

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels

+32 2 329 30 32


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