The Competence Centre on the Future of Work (FES Future of Work) was founded in 2021 in Brussels by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES). As part of a social democratic organisation, we strive to uphold its core values of freedom, justice and solidarity in the context of the digital transformation.
Together with our political partners, academic researchers, trade union allies and civil society organisations across Europe, our primary role is to shape a digital future that prioritises fairness for workers, quality jobs, and strong social protections. We work particularly closely with our colleagues within the FES structures including FES EU Office, FES Just Climate and FES country offices in Europe and North America.
With our expertise, studies, multi-stakeholder projects, public events and closed-door roundtables, we shape the development of policies and practices to ensure that the benefits of digital technology are equally shared in the society.
By championing social dialogue and inclusive regulations for a better world of work, we aim to ensure Europe’s digital transformation strengthens its commitment to social partnership and workers' rights.
As a Brussels-based think tank and trusted policy advisor, we analyse emerging trends and offer timely insights across local, national, European, and international platforms.
Our focus on industrial policy is grounded in the goal of ensuring that productivity gains and digital advancements sustain the EU’s social model, while boosting global competitiveness and delivering prosperity to all.
Our Priorities are:
Advancing social democracy and supporting working families;
Fostering greater productivity through technological innovation and ensuring fair distribution of the gains;
Addressing the impact of AI at the workplace and ensuring gender equality in the Digital Age;
Reimagining the evolving role of capitalism to advance a fairer economy.
Find out more about our work here: LinkedIn X Youtube