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Conference: Rebooting the dabate: Generative AI and creative work

Join us for a discussion on Generative AI. The conference "Rebooting the debate: Generative AI and creative work" takes place in Brussels on 2 October 2024 (09.30-13.15 CEST).

ACE events
Av. d'Auderghem 22,
1040 Brussels

Chat-GPT and other language-learning models (LLMs) have seen a sulfurous rise in popularity. Although, it is still early days, the technology is already affecting a wide range of creatives, from professional writers to illustrators. These workers now find themselves competing with their own work, which has been used without their consent or compensation.

That is why FES Future of Work, with the support of UNI Europa, organises on October 2nd this conference in Brussels to engage the labour movement, civil society, and policymakers to find collective answers to generative AI. Expect a debate about collective organising, copyright and much more.

In our first panel "Generative Industries, Generative AI, and Labour: The Path Ahead" we look at somehopeful initiatives. Ellen Stutzman from the Writers Guild of America will share with us how Hollywood authors and trade unions successfully pushed back against unrestricted use of generative AI. Together with Johannes Studinger, head of the Media, Entertainment & Arts sector at UNI Europa and the artist and independent researcher Portrait XO, questions such as how should creative workers respond to the rise of generative AI, and how can they ensure they benefit from it? What can we learn from collectives about organizing and representing worker rights?

In the second panel, we will discuss generative AI from a legal and policy perspective. Matthias Hornschuh from the authors' rights initiative (Initiative Urheberrecht) and several Members of the European Parliament will focus on questions such as: What actions are needed to resolve the tension between generative AI and values like the right to data protection and artists´ rights to the fruits of their work (copyright).

Please find further information on our the event page.

Please Note

We will send you an official confirmation with the zoom link shortly before the event.

If you have any questions please contact: ha-thu.mai(at)fes.de


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